Case Report

Acute Awake Fiberoptic Intubation in the ICU in a Patient with Limited Mouth Opening and Hypoxemic Acute Respiratory Failure

Table 2

Some data on predicted difficulties with intubation and backup plans for oxygenation. Highlighted (with a “+”), which of these features our patient presented [3, 6, 7].

Predictors of difficult intubationPredictors of difficult backup plans for oxygenation

Predictors of difficult direct laryngoscopyPredictors of difficult facemask ventilation

History of difficult intubation+History of neck radiation+
Limited mouth opening (interincisor gap)+History of snoring or obstructive sleep apnea+
Modified Mallampati Score 3 + 4+Obesity
Limited cervical spine mobility+Older age+
Upper lip bite test+Male sex +
Limited mandibular protrusion+Full beard
Retrognathia +Lack of teeth+
Short thyromental distance+Modified Mallampati Score 3 + 4+
Limited mandibular protrusion+
Short thyromental distance+

Predictors of difficult video laryngoscopyPredictors of difficult supraglottic device use

Neck pathology (e.g., scars, neck radiation, mass, thick neck)+Glottic, supraglottic or subglottic pathology (e.g., neck radiation)+
Cormack-Lehane Grade 3 + 4 with Macintosh+Obesity
Limited cervical spine mobility+Older age+
Limited mandibular protrusion+Male sex+
Short thyromental distance+Poor dentition+
Limited mouth opening+
Limited cervical spine mobility+
Short thyromental distance+
Rotation of surgical table during case
Applied cricoid pressure

Predictors of difficult ligthwand usePredictors of difficult cricothyrotomy

Obesity (thick neck)Neck surface pathology (e.g. scars, radiation, inflammation, hematoma)+
Limited cervical spine mobility+Deviated airway (e.g. goiter, neoplasms)
Large tongue/epiglottis+Obesity (thick neck)
Age <8–10 years
Female sex
Limited cervical spine mobility+