Case Report

Cardiac Transplantation following Cobalt Cardiomyopathy from Bilateral Metal-on-Metal Hip Replacements

Table 1

Signs and symptoms of cobalt toxicity by organ systems.

Organ system

Signs and symptoms
LethargyPericardial effusionHypothyroidismPeripheral neuropathy (tremor, sensory deficit)HepatomegalyReflux oesophagitisEnlarged mediastinal lymph nodes and lymph nodes around joint replacements
AnorexiaDyspnoea on exertionGoitreHearing loss
Weight loss/difficulty gaining weightPalpitationsMetabolic acidosisVisual impairment
PolycythemiaSinus tachycardiaParkinsonism
Pyrexia of unknown originHypotensionCognitive decline
Low voltage on ECG
Reduced ejection fraction
Elevated serum enzymes (raised troponin and BNP)
Elevated myocardial cobalt levels
Elevated serum cobalt levels
Absence of ischemia and other common causes of cardiomyopathy

Adapted from [5, 8].