Case Report

Acute Aortic Dissection Mimicking STEMI in the Catheterization Laboratory: Early Recognition Is Mandatory

Figure 2

Angiographic projections in (A) and (B); (A) (35°LAO and 24°CRA): significant length reduction (dashed lines) of the LMCA; (B) (28°RAO and 6°CAU): PCI with implantation of 4.5 × 13 mm BMS on the proximal tract of the LMCA overlapping with the previously implanted stent. CT scan in (C) (axial scanning) and (D) (3D volume rendering reconstruction) whereby aortic dissection involving the LMCA ostium and thrombosis of the coronary aneurism are seen. LAO: left anterior oblique; RAO: right anterior oblique; CRA: cranial; CAU: caudal.