Case Report

Successful Rotational Atherectomy for an Angulated Calcified Lesion in an Anomalous Right Coronary Artery Using the “Mother-and-Child” Technique

Table 1

Design comparison of the guide extension catheter available in Japan and Dio thrombus aspiration catheter.

Guidezilla II (Boston Scientific)GuideLiner V3 (Lifeline)Guideplus (NIPRO)Dio (Goodman)

Sizes6 Fr, 7 Fr, 8 Fr, and 6 Fr long5.5 Fr, 6 Fr, 7 Fr6 Fr5 Fr
Inner lumen1.30 mm (5.5 Fr)1.30 mm (6 Fr)1.51 mm (5 Fr)
1.45 mm (6 Fr)1.42 mm (6 Fr)
1.60 mm (7 Fr)1.57 mm (7 Fr)
1.83 mm (8 Fr)1.80 mm (8 Fr)
Outer lumen1.60 mm (5.5 Fr)1.50 mm (6 Fr)1.72 mm (5 Fr)
1.45 mm (6 Fr)1.70 mm (6 Fr)
1.60 mm (7 Fr)1.90 mm (7 Fr)
2.11 mm (8 Fr)2.16 mm (8 Fr)
Guide segment length25 cm/40 cm (6 Fr long)25 cm25 cm
Working length150 cm150 cm145 cm124 cm
CoatingZ-glide (hydrophilic)Silicon wipe (hydrophilic)HydrophilicHydrophilic