Case Report

Elevated CA-125 as Humoral Biomarker of Congestive Heart Failure: Illustrative Cases and a Short Review of Literature

Table 1

Studies on CA-125 in the setting of diverse clinical forms of heart failure.

Heart failure typeAuthors/yearNo. of patientsMain findings

Chronic HFD’Aloia A. et al., 2003. [17]286(i) CA-125 is correlated with clinical status, NYHA functional class and hemodynamic variables (right atrial pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, left ventricular systolic and diastolic dysfunction)
(ii) Proposal for using CA-125 for evaluation of treatment efficacy
Vizzardi E. et al., 2012. [18]102(i) CA-125 is a strong predictor of long term mortality
Ordu S. et al., 2012. [19]102(i) CA-125 and NT-proBNP have similar accuracy in predicting major adverse events and death
(ii) Independent prognostic value of CA-125

Acute HFNunez J. et al., 2010. [20]1111(i) The elevation of CA-125 (≥60 U/mL) and BNP (≥350 pg/mL) levels are significant in patients with NYHA class III and IV
(ii) CA-125 levels are correlated with the severity of congestion (fluid retention)
Nunez J. et al., 2016 [21]
380(i) The CA-125 guided therapy reduces the rate of rehospitalizations
Nunez J. et al., 2014 [22]1389(i) Levels of CA-125 combined with BUN (blood urea nitrogen) are predictive for mortality in patients receiving high dose diuretics at hospital discharge

Advanced heart failureMonteiro S. et al., 2009. [23]88(i) CA-125 is a useful prognostic marker and permits a better risk stratification