Case Report

Peri-Contrast Staining as a Marker of Stent Failure: Restenosis, Thrombosis, and Fracture

Figure 1

(a) ECG on presentation for the current admission showing ST segment elevation in V3-V6. (b) Initial angiogram on presentation in 2008. The patient had presented with an inferior wall myocardial infarction and underwent primary PCI of the RCA and subsequent staged PCI of the LAD one month later. (c) Angiogram after staged PCI of the LAD using Cypher stent in the proximal segment of the LAD and overlapping and Cypher stents in the mid to distal LAD (stent locations marked with red brackets). (d) NSTEMI in 2011 secondary to thrombotic diagonal lesion which was ultimately treated with Xience stent. Coronary angiogram revealed PSS in the proximal and distal LAD (red arrows).