Case Report

Recurrent Episodes of Fluid Retention in a Patient with Heart Failure and Chronic Kidney Disease: The Additional Value of Implantable Monitoring Systems

Figure 4

(a, b) Relation between maximum positive right ventricular dP/dt and diastolic pressure (ePAD). Two scatter diagrams show the relation between RV diastolic pressure (mmHg) and maximum dP/dt (mmHg/s) before ((a), grey) and after hemodialysis ((b), black). (c) Slope of the Frank-Starling curve obtained within a sliding window of 30 days. A positive F-S slope indicates an increase in maximum RV dP/dt (mmHg/s) at higher RV diastolic pressures (mmHg). Dashed lines indicate missing ePAD data. The arrow indicates the time frame of hemodialysis.