Case Report

Fatal Heat Stroke in a Schizophrenic Patient

Table 1

Conditons contributing to the risk of heat illness.

Risk factorsMechanism

Physical conditionsProlonged exertion

MedicationsDrugs of abuse: amphetamines, heroine, cocaine, LSD, ethanol.Increase endogenous heat production
Anticholinergic: tricyclic antidepressants, antispasmodics and phenothiazides.Disrupt hypothalamic function and reduce sweating
Beta-adrenergic and Calcium channel blockersInhibit the compensatory increase in cardiac output
Diuretics Produce a relative state of dehydration that affects central thermoregulation and sweating
Others: antiparkinsonian agents, antihistamines

Chronic illnessCardiac conditions
Cystic fibrosis
Extensive skin disease
Psychiatric conditions

Older age