Case Report

Submassive Pulmonary Thromboembolism in a Patient with Thrombocytopenia: Therapeutic Challenge

Table 1

Laboratory results.

HemoleucogramLeucocytes 19.8 103x mm3 Neutrophils 33% Lymphocytes 59% Hemoglobin 10.3 g/dl Hematocrit 33.3 % VCM 82 fl Platelets 16 103x mm3 (Manuals 18 103x mm3).
Manual Differential: 3% reactive lymphocytes, 56% lymphocytes, 41% neutrophils.

Blood smearAnisocytosis - Microcytosis + - Normochromic. Peripheral Normal Morphology of Leukocytes and Platelets.

Kidney functionBUN 12.9 mg/dl, Creatinine 0.6 mg/dl

Liver functionTotal Bilirubin 0.77 mg/dl, Direct 0.3 mg/dl, LDH 379 U/L, TP 12 seg, INR 1.1 seg, PTT 24.33 seg, Albumin 2,37 mg/dl, Fibrinogen 147 mg/dl, TGO 16,6 U/L, TGP 38 U/L.

Biomarkers of myocardial injuryTroponin 66 ng/l, D-Dimer 3030 mcg/l.

Arterial gasometryPH 7.4 PCO2 26.7 PO2 144 HCO3 16.6 BE -6.9 PAFI 288 Lactate 0.93

ThromboelastogramCompatible with procoagulant state