Case Report

Critical Care Management for Novel 2019 SARS-CoV-2 and HCoV-NL63 Coinfection in a Young Immunocompromised Patient: A Chicago Experience

Figure 1

CXR with different infiltrates patterns during the initial 24 hours. (a) Initial CXR at the ED revealing bilateral pleural effusions with bibasilar consolidation, increased interstitial markings suggestive of bilateral pulmonary edema, and enlarged cardiac silhouette. (b) After endotracheal intubation with increased confluent airspace opacities throughout the mid-to-lower lungs, findings suggestive of worsening pulmonary edema vs. multifocal infectious process. (c) Findings with the tip of the endotracheal tube overlying the proximal right mainstem bronchus. Otherwise; the bilateral diffuse confluent airspace opacities are not significantly changed. Tube was retracted 2 cm. (d) Ten hours after initial CXR revealing stable cardiomegaly, persistent bilateral fluffy infiltrates and consolidation, and persistent obscuration of the right hemidiaphragm.