Case Report

COVID-19 Mortality in a Pediatric Patient with Hemoglobin SC Disease and Alpha-Thalassemia Trait

Table 1

Notable lab values. Peak (or nadir) noted as clinically relevant and values on day of arrest.

LabPeak (nadir)Day of arrestReference (units)

Procalcitonin (on presentation, not repeated)0.31≤0.08 (ng/mL)
C-reactive protein1270.00-10.00 (mg/L)
Ferritin (on presentation, not repeated)25030.0-400.0 (ng/mL)
D-dimer>20.0018.21≤0.80 (μg/mL FEU)
Fibrinogen458458191–430 (mg/dL)
International normalization ratio1.71.30.9–1.1
Partial thromboplastin time52.844.823.9–34.7 (seconds)
White blood cell count26.923.543.84–9.84 (×10-3/μL)
Band24%0%0–0 (%)
Lymphocytes6% (nadir)11.1%16.4-52.7 (%)
Neutrophils77%76.4%32.5–74.5 (%)
Monocytes3% (nadir)11.1%4.4–12.3 (%)
Eosinophils0.1%0%0.0–4.0 (%)
Basophils1%0.10.0–0.7 (%)
Hemoglobin8 (nadir)8(g/dL)
Platelets36 (nadir)126175–332 (×103/μL)
Partial thromboplastin time52.844.823.9–34.7 seconds
Creatinine (baseline 0.66)1.61.330.60-1.00 mg/dL
Interleukin-1875789-540 pg/mL
CXCL9136≤121 pg/mL
Interleukin-678.7≤5 pg/mL
Interleukin-1059≤18 pg/mL
Creatine kinase95064.0-499.0 U/L
Troponin-T6≤22 ng/L