Case Report

Multiple Electroencephalogram Recordings for Monitoring the Evolution of Neurological Complications during Baclofen Withdrawal Syndrome

Figure 1

Serial EEG recordings. (a) First day after symptoms onset: presence of abundant and high sharply contoured bilateral waves in the absence of interictal epileptiform waves or discharges. There were no correlations between lower limb motor manifestations and EEG changes. The topography of the background activity was still partially preserved, although a slight slowing was observed. (b) The EEG pattern showed the presence of abundant triphasic waves with severe generalised slowing, suggesting the presence of encephalopathy. The topography of the background activity was no longer detected. (c) EEG, performed about 48 hours after the second recording, showed complete regression of the triphasic waves and restoration of the topography of the background activity, which had only slight slowing.