Case Report

Molariform Mesiodens in Primary Dentition

Box 1

Supernumerary teeth associated with syndromes.
(i) Cleidocranial dysplasia
(ii) Apert syndrome
(iii) Angio osteohypertrophy
(iv) Cranial metaphyseal dysplasia
(v) The Crouzon disease
(vi) The Curtis disease
(vii) The Ehler-Danlos syndrome
(viii) The Fabry-Anderson disease
(ix) The Fucosidosis
(x) The Hallermann-Streiff syndrome
(xi) The Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome
(xii) Laband syndrome
(xiii) Nance-Horan’s syndrome
(xiv) Treacher-Collins’s syndrome
(xv) Oral-facial-digital syndrome, type I and II
(xvi) The Sturge-Weber disease
(xvii) The Tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome.
(xviii) The Zimmermann-Laband syndrome