Case Report

Phenotypic Features and Salivary Parameters in Patients with Ectodermal Dysplasia: Report of Three Cases

Table 1

Amount of salivary flow and buffering capacity of saliva, and counts of mutans streptococci, lactobacilli, and yeast in patients with ED.

Salivary testsPatient 1 (HidED)Patient 2 (HED)Patient 3 (HED)

Salivary flow rate (mL/min)
 Normal flow: >1.01.0 (limit value)1.2 (normal)<0.1 (xerostomia)
 Limit value: 1.0
 Reduced flow: ≤0.7
 Xerostomia: ≤0.1
Buffering capacity of saliva (pH value)
 Normal: 5.1–7.04.0 (limit value)6.0 (normal)5.0 (limit value)
 Limit value: 4.0–5.0
 Low buffering capacity: <4.0
Mutans streptococci (log·cfu/mL)
 High caries risk: >5.06.2 (high)5.0 (high)4.9 (high)
Lactobacilli (log·cfu/mL)
 Low caries risk: 0.0–3.00.0 (low)2.75 (low)1.70 (low)
 Moderate caries risk: 3.0–3.7
 High caries risk: >4.0
Yeasts (log·cfu/mL)
 No caries risk: 0–1.03.0 (high)0.0 (no caries risk)2.78 (high)
 Moderate caries risk: 2.0–2.6
 High caries risk: >2.6

HidED, hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia; HED, hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia.