Case Report

Orthodontic Treatment of Bilateral Impacted Mandibular Canines and a Mupparapu Type 2 Transmigration

Table 1

Ricketts cephalometric measurements.

InitialFinalNormStd dev

Dental relationships
  Molar relation (mm)−0.1−2.3−3.01.0
  Overjet (mm)
  Overbite (mm)4.8−
  Mand incisor extrusion (mm)2.4−
  Interincisal angle (U1-L1) (°)141.3111.8130.06.0
  U-incisor protrusion (U1-APo) (mm)
  L1 protrusion (L1-APo) (mm)−
  U-incisor inclination (U1-APo) (°)17.332.828.04.0
  L1 to APo (°)21.335.422.04.0
  Occ plane to FH (°)
  U6-PT vertical (mm)9.516.517.03.0
Maxillo-mandibular relationships
  Convexity (A-NPo) (mm)
  Mandibular arc (°)36.743.829.74.0
Craniofacial relation
  FMA (MP-FH) (°)30.220.424.24.5
  Maxillary depth (FH-NA) (°)
  Facial axis-Ricketts (NaBa-PtGn) (°)92.492.090.03.5
  Facial angle (FH-NPo) (°)84.594.588.33.0
  Facial taper (°)65.365.168.03.5
Deep skeletal structure
  Porion location (mm)−36.0−37.6−38.62.2
  Cranial deflection (°)19.629.827.33.0
  Ramus position (°)64.971.276.03.0
  Lower face height (ANS-Xi-Pm) (°)34.836.145.04.0
  Lower lip to -plane (mm)−1.7−1.1−2.02.0