Case Report

Management of a Hypomineralisation of the Enamel by Applying a Remineraliser Based on Zinc Hydroxyapatite (microRepair)

Table 2

MIH treatment need index (MIH-THI).


Grade 0No MIH
Grade 1MIH without hypersensitivity, without defect
Grade 2MIH without hypersensitivity, with defect
 2a<1/3 of the area involved
 2b>1/3 of the area involved
 2c>2/3 of the involved surface and/or defect close to the pulp or atypical extraction or restoration
Grade 3MIH with hypersensitivity, without defect
Grade 4MIH with hypersensitivity, with defect
 4a<1/3 of the area involved
 4b of the surface involved
 4c>2/3 of the involved surface and/or defect close to the pulp or atypical extraction or restoration