Case Report

Management and Follow-Up of Complicated Crown Fractures with Intrusive Luxation of Maxillary Incisors in an 8-Year-Old Boy

Table 3

Clinical procedures.

Phase numberTreatment steps

First sessionCervical pulpotomy white MTA for both incisors
Follow-up after 4 weeks(i) Left central incisor percussion with spontaneous eruption
(ii) Right central incisor percussion was metallic sound with no signs and symptoms
(iii) Radiographic evaluations have demonstrated a PDL widening in the middle third of the root in both central incisors
Follow-up after 8 weeks(i) The left center incisor was spontaneously repositioned with external root resorption and had a sensitive percussion, and calcium hydroxide was applied as intracanal medicament
(ii) The right central incisor with no signs and symptoms showed normal percussion and mobility with a normal radiography
Follow-up after 36 weeksThe resorption process had stopped, and an MTA plug was placed in the canal and dressed with RMGI.
Follow-up after 37 weeksObturation, done with gutta-percha and composite buildup, was performed
Follow-up after 22 monthsThe teeth were asymptomatic and showed no signs of resorption, clinically and radiographically.