Case Report

Sialolipoma of the Floor of the Mouth with Immunohistological Analysis

Figure 3

(a, b) Peripheral and inner areas of the tumor showing thin fibrous tissue capsule with numerous fat lobules and separated with fibrous tissue septae rich in vascular tissue with islands of salivary gland tissue (arrows) within the lipomatous proliferation. Scale bars: 2 mm. (c) Pancytokeratin (AE1/AE3) expression in the ductal and acinar cells in the entrapped salivary gland. The adipose tissue was negative (asterisk). Scale bar: 200 μm. (d) Smooth muscle actin highlighting the myoepithelial cells around the acini and ducts, and the smooth muscle in adjacent vascular structures. Lipomatous elements were negative (asterisk). Scale bar: 200 μm.