Case Report

Maxillary First Molars with Two Palatal Root Canals

Figure 3

(a) Preoperative radiograph. Note the PDL space of the mesial side (white arrow) suggesting an additional root. (b) Intraoral radiograph shows two long palatal (white arrows) and two relatively short buccal root canals. Positioning of H-files on the palatal root canals and K-files in the buccal root canals to distinguish between the buccal and palatal sides. (c) Postoperative radiograph showing four separate canals. (d) Microscopic image of the pulpal floor of tooth 16 showing two buccal root canal orifices (black arrows) and two palatal root canal orifices (white arrows). (e) Radiograph at the recall visit at 6 months showing partial resolution of the periradicular radiolucency.