Case Report

Intraoral Extranodal Natural Killer Cell/T-Cell Lymphoma of the Hard Palate

Figure 3

(a, b) Axial sections of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) presented a homogeneous hypodense lesion in the right maxillary sinus. The lesion has a destructive nature, destroying the buccal and lingual wall of the right alveolar process. In higher cuts, the lesion has destroyed the sinus’s anterior, middle, and posterior lateral walls. The lesion has extended to the nasal cavity by destroying the medial and anterior walls of the sinus and presents as a mass of soft tissue in the nasal fossa. The periosteal reaction is not seen, and the pterygoid processes are intact. The sphenoid sinus is normal without any secretions, but the lateral wall of the right ethmoid sinus has been destroyed by the lesion. The lesion has caused nasal septum deviation.