Case Report

Extraosseous Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst Initially Interpreted as a Parulis

Figure 3

Microphotographs illustrating histopathological findings of the lesion. (a) Panoramic visualization shows a polypoid conformation, one nest, and one cystic-like structure that can be seen in the center of specimen (hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stain; ×20 magnification). (b) Ameloblastoma-like epithelium in the periphery of the nest, dentinoid material, and groups of ghost cells can be seen; additionally, numerous foreign-body type multinucleated giant cells intermixed toward inside and outside in the stroma are seen too (HE stain; ×100 magnification). (c) Conspicuous groups of ghost cells (HE stain; ×400 magnification). (d) CKAE1/AE3 immunoreaction. The luminal space occupied by inflammatory body reaction is negative (×20 magnification). (e) CK19 immunoreaction, cords, and island of odontogenic epithelium surrounding the cystic structures can be identified; it can also be seen in image (d) (×100 magnification).