Case Report

A 27-Year-Old Severely Immunosuppressed Female with Misleading Clinical Features of Disseminated Cutaneous Sporotrichosis

Table 1

Initial investigations done at presentation.

TestResultReference range

White cell count 1.56 × 109/L4.00–10.00
Red cell count 2.73 × 1012/L4.13–5.67
Haemoglobin 6.4 g/dL12.1–16.3
MCV89.7 fL79.1–98.9
MCH23.4 pg27.0–32.0
MCHC26.1 g/dL32.0–36.0
Platelets 88 × 109/L178–400
Kidney function testsNormal
Liver function testsNormal
CD4 absolute count 43 cells/L410–1590
Chest X-rayNormal

HCT: haemotocrit, MCV: mean corpuscular volume, MCH: mean corpuscular haemoglobin, MCHC: mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration.