Case Report

Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising within Verruca Vulgaris on the Nipple

Figure 2

Histologic examination of a large section of tissue at 10x magnification (a) demonstrates the verrucoid top of the lesion and the invasive deep edge. Wide nests of tumor cells can be seen invading as well as a desmoplastic reaction to the nests and the lymphoplasmacytic host response. A low power image of the verrucous surface at 4x magnification (b) shows the verrucous surface with peaking hyperkeratosis and subtle koilocytotic changes. A high power image at 20x (c) shows dissolution of the basal lamina and invasion of the dermis. There is invasion by a small cluster of keratinocytes with the expected lymphoplasmacytic host response and desmoplastic host response (samples stained with hematoxylin and eosin).