Case Report

A 23-Year-Old Female with a Mixed Germ Cell Tumor of the Pituitary Infundibulum: The Challenge of Differentiating Neoplasm from Lymphocytic Infundibuloneurohypophysitis—A Case Report and Literature Review

Figure 3

Biopsy of infundibulum: (a) H&E sections of lesion show sheets of small lymphocytes and clusters of larger cells (orig. mag. 20x), (b) CD3 stain of entire biopsy shows predominance of T cells (DAB, orig. mag. 4x), (c) placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) immunostain demonstrates that at least some of larger cells are germ cell tumors, (d) keratin immunostain shows nests of epithelial cells consistent pituitary follicles (positive synaptophysin not shown) (DAB orig. mag. 10x), (e) keratin stains also show individual positive cells in area of germ cell tumor, suspicious for an embryonal carcinoma component (DAB, orig. mag. 20x), and (f) CD30 stains confirm presence of embryonal carcinoma component (DAB, orig. mag. 20x).