Case Report

A Case of Acute Psychosis in an Adolescent Male

Table 1

Biochemical characteristics of our patient with PHPT.

Laboratory resultsBTAMTASMT

Serum iCa (4.5–5.3 mg/dL)
Serum total calcium (8.9–10.7 mg/dL)
Serum iPTH (9–69 pg/mL)350.0242.0<2.5
Serum 25-OH vitamin D (20–100 ng/mL)
Serum phosphate (2.5–4.8 mg/dL)
Serum alkaline phosphatase (50–130 IU/L)156.0143.0122.0
Urine calcium/creatinine ratio (<0.21)0.6NDND
Urinary calcium excretion rate (<4 mg/kg/day)12.0NDND
Phosphate/creatinine clearance ratio (0.02–0.22)0.22NDND
Tubular reabsorption of phosphate (TRP) (78–98)%78.0NDND

BT: before treatment; AMT: after medical treatment; ASMT: after surgery and medical treatment; ND: not done.