Case Report

Normalization of Bilateral Adrenal Gland Enlargement after Treatment for Cryptococcosis

Table 1

Endocrinological data of the patient during antifungal treatments.

Time after initiation of antifungal treatments
Time of the diagnosis2 months4 months6 months

ACTH (pg/mL)131.34.628.11.9
Cortisol (μg/dl)38.416.914.16.7
Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate  (DHEA-s) (μg/dL)482
Epinephrine (ng/ml)0.3320.015
Norepinephrine (ng/ml)0.4870.089
Dopamine (ng/ml)0.0270.012
Urine metanephrine (ng/mg Cr)328119
Urine normetanephrine (ng/mg Cr)63176
Plasma renin activity (ng/mL/hr)3.2
Aldosterone (pg/mL)202.0