Case Report

Parathyroid Carcinoma in the Setting of Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism: Case Report and Review of the Literature

Table 1

Biochemical data at the time of diagnosis and after surgery.

BS1-day AS2-day AS3-day AS

Ca (mg/dl)
P (mg/dl)
iPTH (pg/ml)>2000101.4226.9283.9
25OH D (ng/ml)15.2
Mg (mmol/l)0.82
K (mEq/l)5.34.6
Cr (mg/dl)7.16.44
BUN (mg/dl)6552
ALP (U/l)604
TSP (g/dl)7.57.4

BS = before surgery; AS = after surgery. Ca = calcium; P = phosphorus; iPTH = intact parathyroid hormone; Mg = magnesium; K = potassium; Cr = creatinine; BUN = blood urea nitrogen; ALP = alkaline phosphatase; TSP = total serum protein.