Case Report

Adrenal and Hepatic Venous Sampling in a Case of Aldosterone-Producing Adrenocortical Carcinoma with Hepatic Metastasis

Table 2

Endocrinological examination.

Hormonal profileNormal range

Plasma ACTH (pg/mL)2.17.2–63.3
Serum cortisol (μg/dL)9.44.0–18.3
Plasma renin activity (ng/mL/h)0.20.3–2.9
PAC (pg/mL)1710140–1030
Serum DHEA-S (μg/dL)3512–133
Urinary free cortisol (μg/24 h)32811.2–80.3
Urinary free aldosterone (μg/24 h)549<10
Circadian variation of plasma ACTH and serum cortisol and low-dose (1 mg) DST results
Time06:0016:0023:001 mg DST
Plasma ACTH (pg/mL)<1.0<1.0<1.0<1.0
Serum cortisol (μg/dL)9.811.311.612.0