Case Report

Acute Renal Infarction Presenting with Acute Abdominal Pain Secondary to Newly Discovered Atrial Fibrillation: A Case Report and Literature Review

Figure 2

CT abdomen and pelvis with and without contrast (renal protocol). Findings: multiple hypodense foci are present within the right kidney, on all 3 postcontrast series (blue arrows). In addition, there is intraluminal thrombus within the mid to lower pole branch of the right renal artery on the arterial phase. There is normal perfusion to the capsule surrounding these hypodense areas. Therefore, the findings are most consistent with multiple renal infarcts. The previous identified area of concern in the lower pole of the right kidney also likely represents a perfusion abnormality secondary to infarction. There are multiple low-attenuation foci within the kidneys bilaterally which are too small to characterize as well.
(a) Arterial phase
(b) Venous phase