Case Report

A Rare and Lethal Complication: Cerebral Edema in the Adult Patient with Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Table 2

Timeline of patient course and critical events. Cerebral edema likely began to develop at hour 4.5 when patient began to complain of headache.

Time (hours)Event

0Initial evaluation and elevated glucose on finger stick glucometer
1Femoral central venous catheter placed, 2 L 0.9% normal saline started, initial labs drawn and sent for analysis
2Initial labs result
2.5Insulin drip started at dose of 0.1 U/kg
4.5Insulin drip dose reduced, patient complains of headache
5.5Patient becomes unresponsive and is intubated
6CT head without contrast shows cerebral edema
28Patient has first cardiac arrest with successful return of spontaneous circulation
33Patient expires