Case Report

Hypercalcemic Encephalopathy as an Initial Presentation of Multiple Myeloma

Table 2

Clinical, demographic characteristics, treatment, and outcome of reported cases of encephalopathy in multiple myeloma.

Authors; year of publicationAge/genderPredisposing factorsTreatmentOutcome

Klomp et al. [8]; 200660 yr, femalePosterior leucoencephalopathy due to hypercalcemiaIsotonic saline and pamidronateImproved
Sandhu et al. [9]; 200968 yr, maleParaneoplastic manifestation of multiple myelomaIntravenous dexamethasoneComplete recovery
Rather et al. [10]; 201466 yr, maleHypernatremia, hypercalcemia azotemiaBortezumib and dexamethasoneImproved
Sharma et al. [5]; 201549 yr, maleHyperammonemiaCyclophosphamide, bortezomib, and dexamethasoneImproved
Jaruvongvanich et al. [11]; 201639 yr, femaleLeptomeningeal myelomatosis and hyperammonemic encephalopathyBortezumib and dexamethasoneDeveloped septic shock, expired due to multisystem organ failure
Current report84 yr, femaleHypercalcemiaIsotonic saline, zolendronic acid, bortezumib, and dexamethasoneImproved