Case Report

Novel Mutation in the PKHD1 Gene Diagnosed Prenatally in a Fetus with Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease

Table 1

Pregnancy and fetal growth data.

Gestational age (based on a LMP) Biometric measurementsComposite gestational ageAmniotic fluid indexFetal kidney measurementComments

7.3 weeks Gestational sac: 2.6 cm
CRL: 1.1 cm
NANANACrown rump length is consistent with the patient's gestational age by LMP

19.4 weeks BPD: 4.9 cm
HC: 17.8 cm
AC: 16.1 cm
FL: 3.4 cm
Tibia: 2.9 cm
Humerus: 3.2 cm
Ulna: 3.0 cm
Radius: 2.7 cm
20.7  weeks14.5 cm (normal)Right kidney: 2.3 × 1.3 × 1.4 cm (>90th percentile)
Left kidney: 2.2 × 1.7 × 1.7 cm (>97th percentile)
Bilateral enlarged echogenic fetal kidneys

23.5 weeks NANA11.5 cm (normal)Right kidney: 3.9 × 2.4 × 2.4 cm (>97th percentile)
Left kidney: 3.7 × 2.1 × 2.0 cm (>97th percentile)
(1) Bilateral enlarged and echogenic fetal kidneys
(2) No sonographic evidence of dilation of the renal pelvis or hydro ureter

29.1 weeksAC: 27.3 cm
FL: 6.0 cm
Fetal weight: 1788 gms (86th percentile)
31.3 weeks4.6 cm (oligohydramnios)Right kidney: 5.8 × 2.9 × 3.7 cm
Left kidney: 5.7 × 2.8 × 3.7 cm
(1) Bilateral enlarged and echogenic fetal kidneys
(2) Oligohydramnios

35.1 weeksNANA0 cm (anhydramnios)NA(1) Bilateral enlarged and echogenic fetal kidneys essentially filling the entire fetal abdomen
(2) Anhydramnios

AC: abdominal circumference.
CRL: crown rump length.
BPD: biparietal diameter.
FL: femur length.
HC: head circumference.