Case Report

Familial Russell–Silver Syndrome like Phenotype in the PCNA Domain of the CDKN1C Gene, a Further Case

Table 2

Netchine–Harbison clinical scoring system (NH-CSS) for RSS (2015).

Clinical featuresDetail

(1) Prenatal growth retardationBirth length and/or weight ≤−2SDS
(2) Post natal growth retardationHeight ≤−2SDS
(3) Relative macrocephaly at birthHead circumference at birth at least 1.5 SDS above birth weight and/or length
(4) Protruding foreheadIn toddlers (age 1–3 years)
(5) Body asymmetryDefined as a leg length discrepancy (LLD) of ≥0.5 cm or arm asymmetry or LLD <0.5 cm with at least two other asymmetrical body parts (with one being a non-face part)
(6) Feeding difficulties/BMI < 2 SDSIn toddlers