Case Series

Cytogenomic Abnormalities in 19 Cases of Salivary Gland Tumors of Parotid Gland Origin

Figure 1

Cytogenomic abnormalities detected in 19 cases of SGTs. (a) For case 4, representative karyotype showed an abnormal clone with a deletion in the long arm of chromosome 6 and a paracentric inversion in the long arm of chromosome 8 (left); genome view by aCGH showed CNAs of deletions of 6q and 21q and duplications of 1q, 3q, 11p, 21q, and Xp (right, green bar for deletion and red bar for duplication). (b) For case 7, chromosome analysis showed a normal female karyotype (left); aCGH genome view showed numerous CNAs in multiple chromosomes (right). (c) The distribution of CNAs detected from 14 cases.