Case Series

Cytogenomic Characterization of Giant Ring or Rod Marker Chromosome in Four Cases of Well-Differentiated and Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma

Figure 1

Cytogenomic findings in the three cases and a cellular process for the giant ring (GR) or giant rod marker (GRM). (a) Chromosome results showing GR or GRM in cases 1 to 4. (b) Amplification levels of SCNAs and putative oncogenes in the core segment of 12q14.1q15 in the three cases are given by number of copies and size of amplicons in Kb. Dash line “--” indicates normal two copies without amplification. (c) A diagram showing a cellular crisis in a chromosome intermingling region (CIR) for initial ring formation by an erroneous replication (red line), the breakage-fusion-bridge (BFB) cycles for an amplified GR, and neocentromere formation (blue dot) and telomere capture (green bar) for the stabilized GRM.