Case Report

Gastric Metastasis of Ectopic Breast Cancer Mimicking Axillary Metastasis of Primary Gastric Cancer

Figure 2

Histological images of ectopic breast tissue, gastric mucosa. (a) Left: tumor infiltration in ectopic breast tissue. H&E ×10. (a) Right: small noncohesive tumor cells individually dispersed or arranged in a single-file linear pattern in ectopic breast tissue. H&E ×20. (b) Left: GCDFP15 is focally positive in neoplastic cells. GCDFP15 ×40. (b) Right: strong positivity seen in regular duct epithelium. Loss of staining in neoplastic cells. E-cadherin ×20 (H&E: Hematoxylin and Eosin).