Case Report

Barrett’s Oesophagus in an Achalasia Patient: Immunological Analysis and Comparison with a Group of Achalasia Patients

Figure 1

(a) Barium oesophagram that shows dilatation and bird beak sign (arrow). (b) High resolution manometry that shows abnormal relaxation of lower oesophageal sphincter and aperistalsis with panesophageal pressurization in 40% of swallows, corresponding with type II achalasia. (c) Upper endoscopy shows dilated esophagus with mucosal changes consistent with C0 M1 Barrett’s oesophagus. (d) Arrows indicate margins of “tongues” of Barrett’s metaplasia. (e) Metaplastic columnar epithelium. (f) Photomicrograph that highlights the metaplasia. Original magnification in high field power (100x).