Case Report

Thromboelastometry Identified Alteration of Clot Stabilization and Factor XIII Supplementation Need in a Patient with Decompensated Liver Disease Undergoing Liver Biopsy

Figure 1

Sequential thromboelastometry (ROTEM). ((a), (b), and (c)) Thromboelastometry analysis at the hospital admission ((a) EXTEM, (b) FIBTEM, and (c) APTEM). ((d), (e), and (f)) Second thromboelastometry analysis performed after Tranexamic Acid administration ((d) EXTEM, (e) FIBTEM, and (f) APTEM). ((g), (h), and (i)) Third thromboelastometry analysis performed after additional administration of Tranexamic Acid ((g) EXTEM, (h) FIBTEM, and (i) APTEM). ((j), (k), and (l)) Thromboelastometry analysis performed after factor XIII concentrate (Fibrogammin® P, CSL Behring, Marburg, Germany) ((j) EXTEM, (k) FIBTEM, and (l) APTEM).