Case Report

McKittrick-Wheelock Syndrome Presenting with Acute Kidney Injury and Metabolic Alkalosis: Case Report and Narrative Review

Table 2

Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients.

Total number of patients49

 Mean (years)63.5
 Min (years)26
 Max (years)84
Sex, N ()
 Female24 (49.0)
 ND3 (6.1)
Hemodynamic state, N ()
 Hypotension and/or tachycardia16 (32.7)
 Stable3 (6.1)
 ND30 (61.2)
Diarrhea, N ()
 YES42 (85.7)
 NO1 (2.0)
 ND6 (12.2)
Remarkable features, N ()
 Prolapse3 (6.1)
 Intussusception1 (2.0)
 Reversible diabetes2 (4.1)
 Infectious endocarditis (E. Faecalis)1 (2.0)
 Familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome1 (2.0)
 Cronkhite-Canada syndrome1 (2.0)
Lab tests
 Median creatinine, μmol/L (max; IQR)359 (1440; 447.75); 21 ND
 Median sodium, meq/L (min; IQR)118 (93; 13.5); 20 ND
 Median potassium, meq/L (min; IQR)2.6 (1.3; 0.75); 16 ND
 Median chloride, meq/L (min; IQR)67 (<45; 22.5); 36 ND
 Median bicarbonates, meq/L (min; max; IQR)16 (7.2; 31; 15.6); 38 ND
 Acidosis present (pH <7,35), N (%)6 (12.2); 42 ND
 Alkalosis present (pH >7,45), N (%)1 (2.0); 42 ND
Pathology, N ()
 Benign13 (26.5)
 HGD/Cis11 (22.4)
 Adenocarcinoma9 (18.4)
 Other1 (2.0)
 ND15 (30.6)
Management, N ()
 Surgery31 (63.3)
 Minimally invasive surgery9 (18.4)
 Medical5 (10.2)
 No treatment4 (8.2)
 ND2 (4.1)

Pathology showed a neuroendocrine tumor [1].
One patient was treated medically before surgery [2]; another patient underwent transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) and then surgery one year later for recurrence [3].
ND = not determined; min = minimum value; max = maximum value; IQR = interquartile range; HGD = high grade dysplasia; Cis = carcinoma in situ.