Case Report

Simultaneous Massive Esophageal Mucosal Candidiasis and Profound Cytomegaloviral Esophageal Ulcers with Recurrence of Both Infections 12 Years Later in a Patient with Long-Standing AIDS: Endoscopic, Radiologic, and Pathologic Findings

Figure 1

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) performed in 2007 in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), carried out for the indications of severe odynophagia, dysphagia, and weight loss revealed massive, cheesy, tightly adherent, esophageal mucosal exudate/esophagitis from candidiasis (see Figure 2). Even though the esophageal candidiasis was massive in 2007, it was very superficial with superficial mucosal ulcers, as opposed to the deep “punched out” ulcers reported in 2019 (Figure 5), attributed to esophageal cytomegaloviral infection.