Case Report

Lenalidomide-Associated ITP

Table 1

Key clinical time points and relevant studies.

  MM diagnosis
(14 months prior to ITP diagnosis)
Lenalidomide discontinuation
(17 days prior to ITP diagnosis)
ITP diagnosis

WBC/HGB/PLT 8.3/15.5/2533.1/13.3/1474.3/13.2/1

MM labsNormal SPEP
IFE: detectable free kappa light chain
Serum FLC: elevated kappa light chain (91 mg/dL), elevated kappa: lambda ratio (120)
Normal SPEP
IFE: no monoclonal component
Serum FLC: normal

Other labsSerum creatinine 1.2 mg/dLSerum creatinine 0.9 mg/dL
Direct Coombs’ test negative
Serum chemistries normal
LDH normal
TSH normal
HIV negative
Hepatitis B and C negative
ANA 1 : 160
Anticardiolipin antibodies negative
Direct Coombs’ test negative
Lenalidomide drug-dependent antibodies negative

Peripheral blood filmPeripheral blood film with thrombocytopenia, no schistocytes or dysplasia

Bone marrowNormocellular bone marrow with trilineage hematopoesis, 2% plasma cellsNormocellular bone marrow with trilineage hematopoesis, adequate megakaryocytes, 2% plasma cells, normal cytogenetics

FLC: free light chains; HGB: hemoglobin; IFE: immunofixation electrophoresis; ITP: immune thrombocytopenic purpura; MM: multiple myeloma; PLT: platelet count; SPEP: serum protein electrophoresis; WBC: white blood cell count.