Case Report

Transformation of Follicular Lymphoma to Double Hit B-Cell Lymphoma Causing Hypercalcemia in a 69-Year-Old Female: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Figure 4

FISH analysis using Abbott Tri-color Dual fusion Translocation Probe hybridized to a nucleus revealing, (a) an IgH/c-myc rearrangement by the juxtaposition of the red (c-myc) and green (IgH) yielding the yellow fusion. One native c-myc (red) and native IgH (green) are also present; (b) a BCL-2/IgH rearrangement by the juxtaposition of the red (BCL-2) and green (IgH) yielding the yellow fusion. One native BCL-2 (red) and native IgH (green) are also present.