Case Report

Amebic Encephalitis in a Patient with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia on Ibrutinib Therapy

Figure 1

Axial T2-FLAIR MRI brain. (a) MRI at initial presentation shows the focal area of increased signal in the right frontal cortex (yellow arrow) along with areas of abnormal white matter signal abnormality in the left occipital lobe (red arrow) and the left temporal lobe (white arrow). (b) MRI obtained 2 days later with the increase in size of signal abnormality involving the right frontal cortex (yellow arrow) and multiple areas of signal abnormality in the right frontal, right occipital (red arrow), and left temporal lobes (white arrow). (c) Ten days from initial presentation, there were new and increase in previously known long TR hyperintensities involving the cortical (yellow arrow) and subcortical (red and white arrows) white matter. Given the short interval imaging findings, an infectious etiology was favored as the cause of the patient’s symptoms.