Case Report

Central Nervous System Involvement by Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma after a Myxoma-Related Embolic Event

Figure 2

CNS biopsy: (a) lymphomatous infiltrate is predominantly perivascular that pushes into the surrounding brain parenchyma, which is hemorrhagic with numerous hemosiderin-laden macrophages. Intermediate and high-power photomicrographs of the perivascular lymphoid infiltrate: (b) the infiltrate is composed predominantly of lymphoid cells, which are small with mature nuclear chromatin and regular, rounded nuclear borders. (c) More invasive, rather than pushing, infiltrate involving the brain parenchyma. Immunohistochemistry: (d) PAX-5, (e) coexpression of CD5, (f) partial coexpression of CD23, and (g) cyclin-D1 is negative in the neoplastic lymphoid cells.