Case Report

Fatal Retroperitoneal Hematoma in a Patient Receiving Enoxaparin for Bilateral Pulmonary Emboli

Table 1

The patient’s ABG results.

pHpO2 (mmHg)pCO2 (mmHg)HCO3 (mmol/L)O2 saturation

Day 17.459328 (L)19.5 (L)98
Day 86.95361 (H)18 (L)4.0 (L)98
Day 117.4049 (L)4326.291 (L)

The ABG on day 8 was performed just after the patient developed acute hypotension and demonstrates a severe acidosis. The ABG on day 11 was performed about 3 hours prior to death and demonstrates marked hypoxemia despite high-flow oxygen therapy.