Case Series

Time-Course Changes of Serum Keratin Concentrations after Liver Transplantation: Contrasting Results of Keratin-18 and Keratin-19 Fragments

Figure 5

Individual data from Patient 4, who had acute cellular rejection after liver transplantation. Liver biopsy (left panels) was performed on day 33 after transplantation. (a) Hematoxylin-eosin stain revealed typical signs of rejection. (b) Immunostaining for the M30 neoepitope was negative. (c) Immunostaining for K19 revealed the normal positivity in the bile ducts and in a few scattered hepatocytes. Time-course changes in standard biochemical markers (AST, ALT, GGT, and alkaline phosphatase (AP)) and serum keratins (TPS, M30, and CYFRA 21-1) are presented in the right panels. d, day; mo, month.