Case Reports in Hepatology
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Acceptance to publication19 days
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Case Reports in Hepatology publishes case reports and case series related to the management of disorders affecting the liver, gallbladder, biliary tree, and pancreas.

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Case Report

Primary Hepatic Neuroendocrine Tumor: A Case Report and Literature Review

Primary hepatic neuroendocrine tumors (PHNETs) are extremely rare and account for about 0.3% of all neuroendocrine tumor cases. Resection is usually difficult because they are usually diagnosed in the late stages. We report the case of a patient diagnosed with PHNETs, initially classified as unresectable but then underwent a successful left hepatectomy. PHNETs are rare malignant tumors, and a high index of suspicion is warranted for the diagnosis after excluding the presence of a primary extrahepatic lesion. Radical hepatectomy can be curative when feasible along with a combination of multiple treatments that improve the prognosis.

Case Report

An Unusual Case of Dietary-Induced Liver Injury during Pregnancy: A Case Report of Probable Liver Injury due to High-Dose Turmeric Intake and Literature Review

Turmeric-induced liver injury is a controversial topic, and turmeric is safe to consume during pregnancy in small amounts; however, it might be an uncommon cause of liver injury if consumed in large amounts. We hereby report a case of a pregnant patient who demonstrated atypical signs and symptoms of dietary-induced liver injury during pregnancy. She presented with itching at 23 weeks 4 days of pregnancy and had deranged liver function tests and was diagnosed with dietary-induced liver injury. The patient was managed with a strict diet during the pregnancy which resulted in a significant improvement in the clinical and biochemical findings during the pregnancy.

Case Report

Idiosyncratic Drug-Induced Liver Injury in a Healthy Patient following PCSK9-Inhibitor Injection

Background. Acute liver injury is a life-threatening condition with disparate aetiology. Swift and adequate interdisciplinary treatment is essential to assure the best possible outcomes in these patients. Investigations to identify the cause of the condition and the implementation of quick and appropriate treatment can be lifesaving. Case Presentation. In October 2022, an otherwise healthy 66-year-old male presented at the University Hospital Essen with acute liver injury following an inclisiran injection for hypercholesterinaemia. Four weeks following admission, the patient fully recovered after initially receiving short-term cortisol therapy and open albumin (OPAL) dialysis, and the indices of liver, kidney, and coagulation function were normal at discharge. Conclusion. This is to our knowledge the first reported acute liver injury due to an inclisiran injection. Cortisol in combination with OPAL dialysis is an effective method for the treatment of acute liver injury caused by inclisiran injury, and in this case, it led to a near-complete reversal of the acute liver injury at the time of discharge.

Case Report

Hemorrhagic Shock from a Duodenal Ulcer Eroding into an Ectopic Varix

Ectopic varices are an infrequent yet fatal complication resulting from the progression of liver cirrhosis. Duodenal varices pose a significant challenge to clinicians as they are not easily visualized on endoscopy due to their submucosal location and lack of red color signs. Identification of duodenal varices is important given the risk of massive and life-threatening bleeding that is difficult to control. Patients may present in hemorrhagic shock requiring immediate resuscitation; however, confirmation of the bleeding source as variceal or non-variceal is critical in determining the optimal therapeutic intervention. Here, we report an unusual case of a duodenal ulcer that eroded into an ectopic varix resulting in hemorrhagic shock.

Case Report

Incidental Vascular Lesion in Explanted Liver: A Rare Case Report and Review of the Literature

Hepatic small vessel neoplasm (HSVN) is a rare vascular hepatic lesion that is usually an asymptomatic incidental finding. Here we present a case of a 66-year-old male with HSVN who was discovered to have a lesion presenting as a small nodule in an explanted liver. HSVN is a recently described hepatic vascular lesion that has been previously underdiagnosed. It has an uncertain long-term malignant potential, so close follow-up is recommended.

Case Report

Lymphocyte-Rich Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Multiple Lymphadenopathy and Positive Epstein–Barr Virus Encoding Region

Lymphocyte-rich hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents the rarest subtype among the various subgroups of HCC, and limited clinical data are available for this particular subtype. It is commonly observed as a solitary lesion and tends to present at an early stage. Histopathological examination typically reveals tumor cells infiltrated by a lymphocyte-rich background, leading to its designation as lymphoepithelioma-like HCC. Unlike other lymphoepithelioma-like tumors associated with the Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), lymphocyte-rich HCC is predominantly negative for EBV. This subtype is characterized by more favorable clinical outcomes and prognosis compared to conventional HCC. Here, we present a case of lymphocyte-rich hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) characterized by the presence of bilateral hepatic tumors and concurrent multiple lymphadenopathy. Interestingly, contrary to previous literature, the examination for the Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) revealed a positive result in this particular case.

Case Reports in Hepatology
 Journal metrics
See full report
Acceptance rate36%
Submission to final decision137 days
Acceptance to publication19 days
Journal Citation Indicator-
Impact Factor-
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