Case Report

Necrotizing Liver Granuloma/Abscess and Constrictive Aspergillosis Pericarditis with Central Nervous System Involvement: Different Remarkable Phenotypes in Different Chronic Granulomatous Disease Genotypes

Figure 6

(a) Cranial CT: Hypodense area at the level of right basal ganglia compatible with acute ischemic infarction (arrow). (b) Cranial MR: Axial T2 image shows hyperintensity of right caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus. Contralateral thalamic hyperintensity is also seen (arrows). (c), (d) Diffusion restriction is seen at the level of right basal ganglia at diffusion b 1000 image and ADC map, respectively (arrow). (e), (f) Pre- and postcontrast T1 axial images show many enhancing intra-axial foci in both hemispheres after IV gadolinium administration (arrows). (g) Occlusion of right middle cerebral artery at the level of bifurcation on reconstructed MIP images of 3D TOF MR angiography.