Case Report

Effective Prolonged Therapy with Voriconazole in a Lung Transplant Recipient with Spondylodiscitis Induced by Scedosporium apiospermum

Figure 1

(a) and (b) demonstrates the acute spondylodiscitis with destruction of the intervertebral disk between vertebra lumbar 2 and 3 (arrows). (a) (T1 weighted sagittal MRI scan) demonstrates the edema in the adjacent vertebrae as low signal (arrowheads) and (b) (T1 weighted gadolinium-enhanced sagittal MRI scan) shows the enhancement of the vertebrae as high signal (arrowheads). Imaging findings are consistent with spondylodiscitis with psoas muscle abscess (not shown). After therapy, the bone marrow oedema ((c), T1 weighted sagittal MRI scan) disappeared as did the pathological gadolinium enhancement ((d), T1 weighted gadolinium-enhanced sagittal MRI scan) and the psoas abscess. The destructed disk (arrows) is the only remaining abnormality, consistent with healed spondylodiscitis.