Case Report

Legionellosis and Lung Abscesses: Contribution of Legionella Quantitative Real-Time PCR to an Adapted Followup

Table 1

Microbiological results for Legionella during the patient’s hospitalisation.

Day after admission (D)

Legionella urine antigen test++

Axenic culture (number of colonies on an agar plate)
 BAL specimen*+
 Lung abscess specimen

L.  pneumophila PCR Ct
 BAL specimen18.920.021.326.>45
 Lung abscess specimen17.316.0
 Serum specimen33.230.932.736.1>45

BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; Ct, cycle threshold; +, positive; and −, negative.
except on D4: sputum specimen.